Photography: Ian French & Jackie Rodgers
In 2014 26° REOS was transferred from 1° Reggimento “ANTARES” and became the core of the reformed 3° REOS “ALDEBARAN”.
Nowadays the subordinate units are: 261° Squadrone ETM with CH-47F (previously CH-47C), 262° Squadrone ETT with NH-90TTH and 263° Squadrone ESC with AB412.
As of today, 26° Gruppo Squadroni’s fleet includes 9 NH90s, 5 CH-47Fs and 5 AB412s and is the only unit to operate three different types.
The CAAE participates in many exercises and missions to ensure training takes place in real situations. The 1970s saw the introduction of armament for helicopters and the introduction of tactical flight techniques for attack.
Over the decades the role and responsibilities of the Army have changed dramatically and the CAAE has naturally been at the forefront of making and embedding these changes. Today the CAAE is responsible for training all pilots and aircraft technicians of the Army, a true national centre of excellence. It trains crews and flight units in Forward Medical Evacuation, qualification courses for pilots and technicians, Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape (SERE) courses, first aid, firefighting, winch operators and on-board machine gunners to name some of the topics covered.