Photographers: Ian French & Jon Astley

Turkish Air Force visiting participants brought F-16s from 113, 151, 152, 161, 162, 182 and 191 Filos and F-4Es from 111 Filo.
Anatolian Eagle is run on a similar basis to the Red Flag exercises at Nellis Air Force Base in the USA, with an aggressor force (the Blue Team) and a defending force (the Red Team) to simulate a war time environment.
The Blue Team (comprised of visiting units) is tasked with attacking tactical and strategic targets of the Red Team during Combined Air Operations. The Red Team (comprised of the based 132 Filo F-16s) defends with opposing combat aircraft and Surface to Air Missiles (SAM).
During the exercise, the location, positioning and flight information of participating aircraft is transferred to a Command Control Centre. Radar tracks and missile shots from the SAM systems, AWACS aircraft and other anti-aircraft systems are also transferred to the Command Control Centre. The AWACS aircraft (based 131 Filo Boeing E-7Ts & NATO Boeing E-3As) provide command and control support to the Blue Team and land based radar supports the Red Team. Air to air refueling is provided to both teams. Combat Search and Rescue (CSAR) is provided by the based 135 Filo Eurocopter AS532UL Cougars & Sikorsky/TAI T-70 Blackhawks.
27bl Su-25 from Su-25 Esk departs for a mission fitted with a Wing Assisted Guidance Kit which provides long range and high-precision hit capability